Hi guys!

I've 2 little questions about the Ear plugin (version 2.0beta1):

1- how can I tell the Ear plugin to use a specific root-context for a War
when it generates the application.xml? (instead of using the artifactId)
Something like the "<ear.appxml.war.context-root>" in m1.

2- when the plugin generates the Ear, it packages most dependencies of the
War module, while they already exist the the WEB-INF/lib of the War (and I
don't want them to be copied a second time at the root of the Ear). Those
dependencies have a "compile" scope in the pom of the War module. Is it the
normal behaviour? Is there a property or something to tell m2 not to
package them?

Thanks for your help!

Best Regards / Cordialement,
(+33) (01 61) 45 15 91  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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