Hi Tim,

We do something similar in the sense that we have 'patches' set up for different targeted environments - integration/uat (customer specific patches in your case).

Basically we have a custom plugin that wraps around the commonly executed standard goals (war:war, jar:jar etc). We specify the target environment to the wrapped goal and it resolves the location to a resource 'patch' based on it.

So, for example if I were to patch some configuration files (say, log4j.properties) for integration environment while creating a war, I'd run something like this :
maven myplugin:war -Dtarget.env=integration

and, the plugin picks up the patches for 'integration' and overlays them over the web-app resources just prior to calling war:war goal. I think you can extend this to create patches for your web-content.

Alternatively, you can also do this with maven.xml and using pre/post goals to patch resources, but that will not be as reusable as a plugin



Tim Dysinger wrote:

I have a simple war project and I want to extend it by branding it for
each of our customers.  The "branded" projects is essentially the same
code as the main project with slightly over-ridden web content (jsps and

What is the simplest way to do this in Maven?  I was thinking of making
a seperate project for each "brand" and having ant update the main
project's war file with the over-ridden web content.  How would one do
this effectively?


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