I'm a little late on this thread, but as mentioned, there has been some 
discussion about eclipse and Maven in recent weeks.  There is an 
enhancement request for eclipse 
(https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=109937), as well as 
previous messages both on this list and on the eclipse pde-build-dev list 

There is really 2 sides to this.  The first is build regular java projects 
using maven(2) from within eclipse.  The second is building eclipse 
plugins.   I expect the first is relatively straightforward,  the second 
is more complex and would require some sort of osgi-maven plugin and the 
ability to go from the OSGI manifest to the pom.xml.

We are still trying to identify the points where m2 would need work and 
any help from the community would certainly help move things along.

Eclipse PDE-Build, IBM  Software Group

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 09/19/2005 10:05:47 AM:

> There's been some discussion about that between Jeff McAffer and Brett 
> weeks ago: 
> I talked to Jeff about that and he told me that they don't have much 
> to dedicate to the effort right now (although they're interested) and 
> will take off only if some folks from the community show up to do some
> work.
> Best Regards / Cordialement,
> (+33) (01 61) 45 15 91  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>              Sachin Patel  
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>              com> Pour 
>                                        Maven Users List  
>              19/09/2005 15:51          <users@maven.apache.org>  
> cc 
>                  Veuillez Objet 
>                 répondre à             Re: [m2] eclipse integration 
>              Maven Users List  
>              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
>                  che.org>  
> Has there been any thought to talking to the eclipse team to perhaps for
> them to integrate Maven support within the eclipse platform?
> Kenney Westerhof wrote:
> > On Mon, 19 Sep 2005, Ashley Williams wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >
> >> Jumping the gun in assuming that no such project yet exists (google
> >> research), I'd like to make a pitch for any willing and experienced
> >> eclipse plugin writers out there to think about starting one...
> >>
> >
> > I really think the mevenide guys should start supporting m2 instead, 
> > it doesn't look like that's going to happen soon :) Also, have you 
> > at the mevenide code? It looks like it's pretty hard to make an 
> > plugin.
> >
> >
> >> My thoughts are that there are 100 Eclipse users to every Maven user
> >> (from the made-up stats company) and that Eclipse is becoming a bit
> >> of an iTunes for Java. In other words if Maven doesn't have a
> >> presence in Eclipse then it just won't get seen and remain this great
> >> niche product. It's also my guess that there are many existing Maven
> >> users out there who like me reluctantly use the command line
> >> interface to Maven. Not to say it isn't done well, but my
> >> expectations today are that I should be able for example create a new
> >> maven project from within Eclipse rather than typing 'm2
> >> archetype:create -DgroupId=com.foo -DartifactId=bar 
> >> something=webapp'.
> >>
> >
> > I currently just create 'external tasks' that do these things for me.
> > I have 2 versions for each task: a global one that operates on the 
> > pom, and a version that operates on the currently selected project
> > (using ${expressions} in eclipse). Not ideal but it works - i only 
> > you could drag&drop external task buttons to the taskbar, and that I 
> > a POM editor.
> >
> >
> >> So as a start how about this for an action plan:
> >>
> >> "Write an eclipse maven integration plugin that offers basic maven
> >> services.
> >>
> >> 1. This plugin should contain a distribution of maven that is fully
> >> installed as a result of installing the plugin. Benefit would be that
> >> there is the minimum barrier/number-of-keystrokes to enjoying Maven
> >> through eclipse.
> >>
> >
> > That's one of the things I hated in mevenide: it prevented me from 
> > using my locally installed version. As I'm a maven2 developer, I need 
> > work with the bleeding edge version, not some old prepackaged version.
> > At at the very least, it should have an option to specify the location
> > of your m2 installation.
> > But having a dependency on a completely functional m2 eclipse package 
> a
> > must have for new maven users.
> >
> >
> >> 2. There should be a 'new project' wizard that can connect to a pom
> >> url in a source code repository, automatically checking out and
> >> creating the eclipse project in doing so. For example you might type:
> >> 'svn:http://mysvnrepos/trunk/pom.xml' in the text field presented to
> >> you. Besides not having to use the command line, additional benefit
> >> would be that you don't need to know or care where on disk the source
> >> code is checked out to.
> >>
> >
> > I really like to know on what location projects are cluttering up my
> > harddisk :)
> >
> > I like to propose a simple alternative: since it is a eclipse maven2
> > plugin, it is eclipse aware. Since there are already 'Team' plugins
> > (Subclipse, CVS etc), which already can checkout projects in a 'New
> > project wizard', all that's left is to detect that it is a maven2 
> > (nature) and generate the eclipse files from the poms.
> >
> >
> >> 3. Modifying the pom should result in the project being updated.
> >> Currently if I edit the pom to add in a new dependency, I have to
> >> switch to the command line, navigate to my pom directory, invoke 'm2
> >> eclipse:eclipse', switch back to my editor, make sure my project is
> >> highlighted and then press F5 to refresh the project. Benefit would
> >> be not having to do all that, in particular not caring about where
> >> the source code is on disk.
> >>
> >
> > I use the external task for this. I set that task to update my project
> > after task completion. Just one mouseclick! :)
> > But you're right, the plugin should  detect pom changes (preferrably 
> > having a GUI pom editor, not an xml editor) and regenerate the eclipse
> > files.
> >
> >
> >> 4. Pom resource files should have custom GUI editor. For example it
> >> would be much easier if I enter the project name, description
> >> dependencies etc in text fields rather than tinkering with the xml by
> >> hand."
> >>
> >
> > Yup. A must have!
> >
> >
> >> 5. Releases of this project should be timeboxed and monthly."
> >>
> >
> > ?define timeboxed :)
> >
> > This is not a functional requirement.. but maybe continuum could
> > publish the nightlies on a separate eclipse remote site so you can
> > update every day if you want (and specify the 'snapshot eclipse update
> > site' ;))
> >
> >
> >> ****************
> >>
> >> This plan is the first to spring to mind so feel free to make any
> >> suggestions. I'm hoping that the skills needed are mostly eclipse
> >> plugin authoring since a lot of functionality would involve
> >> delegating to existing maven plugins such as eclipse:eclipse and
> >> scm:XXX.
> >>
> >> AW
> >>
> >
> > Great suggestion!
> > Do you intend to start a new project or poke the mevenide guys for 
> > rights? :)
> >
> > (can't wait for this to be finished!)
> >
> > -- Kenney
> >
> >
> >
> >> On 19 Sep 2005, at 12:19, Ashley Williams wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Wishing to exclusively work from eclipse and abandon the command
> >>> line, I was hoping to find an eclipse plugin that would let me use
> >>> maven services direct from within eclipse. I did find the following:
> >>>
> >>> http://mevenide.codehaus.org/mevenide-ui-eclipse/features.html
> >>> http://www.binamics.com/mavenworkshop/
> >>>
> >>> but can't tell if they support m2 or if they are still active. Does
> >>> anyone else have a recommendation?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> AW
> >>>
> >>> 
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> >>
> >
> > --
> > Kenney Westerhof
> > http://www.neonics.com
> > GPG public key: http://www.gods.nl/~forge/kenneyw.key
> >
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> >
> >
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