Marouane Amraoui wrote:
there is way to specify multi source directory in maven project :

example my source files :


i want make only one project maven and only one artifact frwk.jar that containe 
both source frwk1 and frwk2.


I take it that you are using Maven 1.X.X, yes? I'm not clear where your project.xml file 
is, but if you've declared 1 location as the 
<sourceDirectory></sourceDirectory> you can use syntax something like this:

 <preGoal name="java:compile">
   <path id="additional.src.path">
     <pathelement location="src/resources"/>
     <pathelement location="target/java"/>
   <maven:addPath id="maven.compile.src.set" refid="additional.src.path"/>

You create a path which contains any src directory trees that you want to add 
and then you add that path to the existing maven.compile.src.set specification.

Hope that this helps.

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