
I just started to play around with maven 2 yesterday and really want to move from maven 1... i tried to create a simple plugin to package projects as SAR (Service ARchives in jboss). Now after some struggling using beta-1, the plugin seems to be built and installed correctly using beta-2. Invoking the goal "sar:sar" directly from a project (with <packaging>sar</packaging>) works fine, but when invoked indirectly through the lifecycle process (e.g. m2 install) i get the folloging error:

[ERROR] Nonexistent component: org.apache.maven.lifecycle.mapping.LifecycleMappingsar [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Diagnosis: Cannot find lifecycle mapping for packaging: 'sar'.
[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FATAL ERROR: Error executing Maven for a project
For more information, run with the -e flag

The SAR-plugin is actually just a modified jar plugin - replaced jar with sar.

The generated plugin-descriptor looks quite the same as the one of the jar plugin, except the prefix / goal / implementation of course.

Am i missing something? Should i add some lifecycle information to the project's pom? where?

thanks in advance,

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