Hey all,
Great success using the M2 Antlib, specifically with the default-install
of Eclipse!

I'm trying to get the classpath that is generated from the
artifact:dependencies to CREATE the eclipse .classpath to keep the
environments in-sync, with the maven pom.xml being the master file.

Build.xml TASK:
  <artifact:dependencies pathId="maven.dependency.classpath">
      <pom refid="pom"/>

<target name="eclipse-classpath">
                <echo file=".classpath"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"
                                        <classpathentry kind="src"
                                        <classpathentry kind="src"
                                        <classpathentry kind="src"

<!-- here is the problem: iterate over for one entry per lib? Comma or
semicolon delimit? -->
                                        <classpathentry kind="lib"

                                        <classpathentry kind="con"
<!--  Eclipse autobuild interferes, so keep eclipse .classpath output to
/bin -->
                                        <classpathentry kind="output"

Intent is to run as an Ant task from Eclipse with minimal additional
jars (although I already have maven-artifact-ant-2.0.jar bootstrapped,
could add another if needed) and build the Eclipse classpath using the
Maven repo/dependencies.

As you can see by the notes above, I'm having an issue with the lib's -
Eclipse by default has one lib entry per library, and I have the refid
that lists all the project's maven dependencies.  Has anyone already
defeated this challenge or has any recommendations? 


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