On 10/16/05, Milos Kleint <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hmmm.. ok i will try, that came to my mind as well, just wanted to make it
> easier to use the plugin. any non-central repository plugin's
> usability is seriously hurt IMHO.

Can you elaborate? Adding a new update center to netbeans is not that
big of a problem...

> well, netbeans project generator creates netbeans project related files in
> the project's directory (the funny part about it is that it creates an
> ant-based build out of the maven based setup :)
> my nbm plugin allows to build netbeans modules (like eclipse plugins) using
> maven.

Ok. They sound best as separate plugins.

> one more question. how do I create another template for the
> maven-archetype-plugin? I'd like to create a template for creating the
> netbeans modules. Will you accept it as contribution? or does it have some
> kind of registration mechanism to find templates elsewhere?

I'm hoping there is some docs on this in the new site, but if not you
can use the existing ones as an example. There's nothing special about
publishing them, they just need to be a jar in the repository with the
appopriate template files within them.


m2 archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mevenide
-DarchetypeArtifactId=mevenide-nbm-archetype [-DarchetypeVersion=...]


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