i think adding @aggregator to the mojo's class javadoc does the trick..

there needs to be the plugin's group id added to the settings.xml file .. the element is called something like <pluginGroups>




I have defined a Mojo that does some work (create some necessary folders,
init some dynamic values, ...) before running an install over my
multi-module project. When I run "m2 myGroupId:myArtifactId:myGoal install"
on my master project, my goal gets executed for each submodule while I need
it to be executed only once at the very beginning of the build.
Is there a way to tell the Mojo that it must be executed only once? I
looked at the "plugin.xml" file placed in the META-INF of the plugin, but I
can't figure out what the different parameters are for
(requiresDirectInvocation, inheritedByDefault, executionStrategy, ...).

Btw, is there also a way to define an alias so that I don't need to write
"m2 myGroupId:myArtifactId:myGoal", but only "m2 shortId:myGoal" for
instance ?

Thanks for your help!

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