On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 07:54:49PM -0400, Brill Pappin wrote:
> Yah, its a bit of a gray area though... I could write a plugin that used
> each of the libs in question in some way and distribute the plugin... the
> user would then have it in the environment.

No, you can't. The license demands that your program adds significant
and primary functionality to the proprietary code. A plugin does not
cut it.

Even if you managed to find a way, the BCL demands that you don't
distribute additional software intended to replace any component of the
proprietary software. The whole point of projects like Geronimo is to
replace proprietary software components. They use Maven repos, too ;)

The non-free licenses on proprietary software distributed by $BIGCORPS
are not there by accident, they are there for a reason, each and every
clause in them. The business model of selling non-free Java technology
is based upon restricting access, use and redistribution of one's
implemntation of said technology in order to get other $BIGCORPS wishing
to employ that technology under better terms to pay up, or to pay for
the right to implement their own compatible version, which they can
license to themselves under better terms. 

The non-free licenses are made with other $BIGCORPS in mind wishing to
sell proprietary software and to bundle other $BIGCORPS
proprietary technology along with their proprietary software. So
naturally, the licenses will be a bad fit for open source projects. But
that's by design, and required for the business model of selling
proprietary Java software.

Sure, the $BIGCORPS could have different terms for other $BIGCORPS and
for open source projects, but why should a $BIGCORP pay cold hard cash
to get the same terms as a random open source project? :)

See, you may be able to find a technical way to work aroudn the license,
but the problem you are trying to solve is a social one, namely 'We make
money selling our intellectual property, and you want us to give that
money up !?'. Even if you found a way around it, the jars would be
pulled, the license would be changed, and that would be the end of that 
technical solution.

And it surely isn't for the lack of people talking to, say, Sun
Microsystems [1]. I've watched a lot of people in the last five years in
various projects boldly proclaim that they'll go talk to $BIGCRP to get
some non-free Java software redistributed under nicer conditions. They
have all failed, afaict by the licenses of most of Java technology not
having changed much in the last five years.

dalibor topic

[1] Not wanting to single them out, other $BIGCORPS with proprietary
software windmills have also had their share of folks running against

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