Hi there,

I cannot generate javadoc reports. The problem seems to be related
with having the JVM installed in a path with spaces in it: C:\Archivos
de programa\Java\jdk1.5.0_04 (Archivos de programa is the equivalent
to Program files in spanish). Here you have the output from Maven:

[INFO] "C:\Archivos de
programa\Java\jdk1.5.0_04\jre\..\bin\javadoc.exe" -package -sourcePath
"C:\Documents and Settings\jgonzalez\Mis
-classpath "C:\Documents and Settings\jgonzalez\Mis
and Settings\jgonzalez\.m2\repository\bsf\bsf\2.3.0\bsf-2.3.0.jar"
-author -bottom "Copyright null CEESCAT. All Rights Reserved."
-charset ISO-8859-1 -d "C:\Documents and Setti
-doctitle "Netflux ETL tool 0.1-SNAPSHOT API" -stylesheetfile
"C:\Documents and Settings\jgonzalez\Mis
-use -version -windowtitle "Netflux ETL tool 0.1-SNAPSHOT API" @files
"C:\Archivos" no se reconoce como un comando interno o externo,
programa o archivo por lotes ejecutable.

This last phrase means that "C:\Archivos" isn't recognized as an
internal or external command, application or batch executable file.

Has anybody experienced this? Any workaround other than reinstalling
Java to a different directory?

Best regards

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