Funny, I just noticed the same !!!
 If you can find it at
  I agree it's of course much nicer to be able to automatically download it
after a repo clean...
 as a side note:

It also seems that commons-logging-1.1-dev.jar is also missing...
(also available at maven2 repo)
 both jars are dependencies for various 'important' plugins (e.g. xdoclet
Should I post a JIRA issue to request for an update of these plugins to
on jars that are NOT development versions ??
 On 10/25/05, Ruud Wijnands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just removed my complete maven 1.0.2 repository to perform a full clean
> build and download everything fresh.
> I ran into the problem that now velocity-1.4-dev.jar cannot be downloaded.
> When I look at the ibiblio site this seems correct.
> Has this been removed by mistake? How can I fix this? I don't have a local
> copy.
> Regards,
> Ruud Wijnands

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