On Thu, 2005-10-27 at 09:54 +0100, Mark Hobson wrote:
> On 26/10/05, Brian Bonner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I presume these are both for M2?  It's probably because I'm new, but
> > it's difficult to discriminate between M1 and M2 stuff (it's getting
> > easier when I see jelly references, pom3.0, etc.).  Maybe some sort of
> > indicator for Maven2 stuff would help?
> These are used in m2, although I would have thought m1 would be
> retrofitted to use them also - if it hasn't been already.

m1 now users wagon.

> Mark
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Jason van Zyl
jason at maven.org

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and technical order to justify his work and to be justified in it.

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