Is anyone currently using maven2 to generate the deployment code for their ejbs 
for use on a WebSphere app server?  It appears that there is not yet a plugin 
for WebSphere in m2.  I tried to write my own, but am running into some 
problems with that.  I've gotten the ant task distributed by IBM to work using 
antrun if I hard code all of the paths and jar names, but this isn't a very 
clean way to do it and it's not very reusable.
My problem is that the wasEjbDeploy ant task requires me to give it an input 
jar and classpath and I can't figure out a way to pass in variables for these 
attributes within the antrun plugin configuration.  I've tried using the 
configuration below, but it doesn't seem to work.  Does anyone have an idea 
about how to properly configure this task?

     <taskdef name="wasEjbDeploy"
      classpath="/opt/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/wsanttasks.jar" />
      washome="/opt/WebSphere/AppServer" />

If anyone has a clean way to deploy ejbs for WS please let me know.

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