I'm using the antrun plugin to enhance my kodo jdo class files, and run
testng from ant build files.  In these build files I know I have access to
maven.dependency.classpath, however this doesn't include any of the jars
that are in the test scope.  Is there any other class path reference I can
use?  I have tried maven.test.classpath, however that doesn't seem to work
any better than maven.dependency.classpath

Any ideas??

                <ant antfile="run-testng.xml" inheritAll="true" inheritRefs

Ant Build file
<project name="TestNG" default="test">
  <property environment="environment"/>
  <property name="m2localrepo" value="${environment.M2_REPO}"/>
  <path id="local.class.path">
    <fileset dir="${m2localrepo}">
      <include name="**/*testng*.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="./target/test-classes"/>
    <pathelement location="./target/classes"/>
    <path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
  <target name="test">
    <taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="local.class.path"/>
    <testng classpathref="local.class.path"
      <xmlfileset dir="./target/test-classes" includes="testng.xml"/>
Damian Bradicich
Software Developer
Scientific Technologies Corporation
Tel: (603) 471-4712
Web Site: www.stchome.com
"Advancing Public Health Outcomes Through Information Technology"

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