
Just a suggestion: if you want to run your webapp without having to create a 
war first,
you could try the Jetty6 plugin. It is extremely lightweight, you
don't have to have any external config files for it, plus it will automatically
hot-redeploy your webapp whenever you change any class files or dependencies. 
You can
get it from scpexe://jetty.mortbay.org/home/ftp/pub/maven2.


Ralph Pöllath wrote:

I've successfully compiled and installed the tomcat plugin from svn, and tomcat:deploy works as expected. Now I'm wondering how to best use it.

For development, I'd like to avoid zipping up the war file for each deployment. From gleaning at the source, I learned this means deploying in local mode. I guess I have to pass a parameter to the tomcat plugin, but I can't figure out the parameter's correct name (I know, this question is related to plugins in general, but I can't find the documentation).

I tried
$ mvn -Dorg.apache.maven.plugins.maven-tomcat-plugin.mode=local tomcat:deploy
$ mvn -Dorg.codehaus.mojo.tomcat.mode=local tomcat:deploy
but all I get is
[INFO] Deploying war remotely to /myProject on http://localhost:8080/ manager
which means I'm running in the default remote mode.

I also noticed there's a mode called inplace, that uses a context.xml file to deploy to tomcat, and requires the war plugin to run in exploded mode. What's the advantage of using inplace (I assume you get to use a path different from project.build.finalName?), and how do I configure the war plugin?

How does everyone else use the tomcat plugin?


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