Offline actually avoids all remote repositories (even file ones, as
they might be on a shared drive).

- Brett

On 11/8/05, Eric Parpal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I tried with offline=false and file:///mypath/ibiblio/maven2 (in
> settings.xml and in the command line).
> Always the same message.
> >Finally, are you sure you got all the dependencies of the archetype plugin
> >and the archetype artifact itself?
> No I am not sure because no message warns me.
> The character '*' meaning that all subfiles and subdirectories have been
> downloaded, the content of my /mypath/ibiblio/maven2 directory is :
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/org/apache/maven/archetypes/*
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/*
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-install-plugin/*
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/index.html
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata.xml
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata.xml.md5
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata.xml.sha1
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/plugins.xml.md5
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/plugins/org/apache/maven/plugins/plugins.xml.sha1
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/*
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata.xml
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata.xml.md5
> /mypath/ibiblio/maven2/org/apache/maven/plugins/maven-metadata.xml.sha1
> NB : I don't know the difference between org/apache/maven/plugins and
> plugins/org/apache/maven, I took both
> >If you are sure you have all the dependencies, and that your repository
> >path is correct, you can try the fully specified invocation, which looks
> >like: mvn <groupId>:<artifactId>:<version>:<goal>
> I'm sure of nothing. I used url=file:///mypath/ibiblio/maven2. Is it right ?
> (I supposed that this path should stop at the directory "maven2", as the
> "internet" one does :
> Do I have to define it as a "pluginRepository" or as a "repository" ? (In
> doubt, I did both)
> Then, I tried mvn
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-archetype-plugin:1.0-alpha-3:create -D... and
> gets another message (thanks for this!) :
> "Downloading
> ... Error getting pom ... from the specified remote repositories: central
> ("
> So, I can't see mention of my repository. I don't know why. I might have
> missed something.
> Besides, when I look for this file in the internet repository, I can't find
> it.
> Any help or suggestion will be welcomed.
> Thanks.
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