success => Build successful
fail => Build failed
warning => not use for now
error => internal continuum error


Wim Deblauwe a écrit :
Cool. Did not see that before either. But what do the error and warning
really mean? Do they indicate a problem with the build process itself and do
failure and success talk about the jar or whatever that is being build?



2005/11/9, Emmanuel Venisse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

set sendOn* to false in your pom


Richard Wallace a écrit :

Hello again,

Right now I have my maven 2 project ciManagement notification setup


<address>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</address>

That sends all messages to the same address. What I want to know is how
to specific different addresses for results, i.e., send success messages
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and failure messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED] I
also tried doing this from the project management page in continuum by
adding another mail notification but it doesn't let you specify what
events to send the email on.

Any ideas?


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