On 11/12/05, Ruel Loehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, in practice I received a number of errors telling me that I
> needed to use the groupID:artifact:Id:goal format when defining my
> phases.   Changing for example, compiler:compiler to
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:compile cured the issues.

Thanks, I'll get that updated.

> The obvious question is why the restriction?

Oh, its not a restriction - you can do it. It's just a recommendation.

Maven is not there to put road blocks up, but because it defaults to
modular patterns for builds, if you find yourself working against it,
its possible there are other questions about the build to be answered.

It's great that you recognise it would make sense to move away from
this eventually. Including a class in 2 different JARs makes me wonder
what happens when both JARs end up in the classloader, and why they
are in both - its probably shared functionality that should be broken
out in a common dependency, and only included this way to avoid a
circular dependency.

- Brett

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