I have now got the JUnit reports coming out in XML reportFormat.

I'd like to aggregate the XML file to produce a single HTML surefire
report - I'm thinking this would be the report published by
CruiseControl ?

1) I'm a bit confused by how to turn the .XML into .HTML, I've
configured the surefire-report-maven-plugin, I've put it in the
<reporting> section of the POM for use by 'mvn site' , do I need to
also put it in the <build> section of the POM ?

2) The only way I can get the html to be generated is to use

mvn surefire-report:report
mvn site

Is this right ? or can I get html reports from a 'mvn install'  i.e.
during the 'test' phase ?

3) MAIN QUESTION: How do I aggregate all the .xml files to produce a
single html report. If I run 'mvn site' or 'mvn
surefire-report:report' report from the parent POM (flattened as in
Eclipse) I just get lots of /site  directories per Maven module.

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