I created a preGoal for test:test in order to start up a HSQLDB database
before I run my Spring and Hibernate JUnit tests. So I would like the HSQL
server to be started in another thread. Here is the preGoal I added to my
maven.xml file :

<preGoal name="test:test">
<ant:path id="hsql.classpath">
<ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>

<ant:java classname="org.hsqldb.Server" fork="true">
<ant:arg value="-database.0 tagspotdb"/>
<ant:arg value="-dbname.0 tagspotdb"/>
<ant:classpath refid="hsql.classpath"/>

>From what I understood, fork="true" should make it, but it doesn't. And when
I run "maven test", HSQL starts up and the maven process halts.
Do you have any idea why that doesn't work and how I could solve that issue

Thx in advance

Sébastien Arbogast

Blog : http://www.sebastien-arbogast.com
The Epseelon Project : http://www.epseelon.org
Projet Phénix : http://phenix.netbios.fr

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