I have a prototype of netbeans plugin that is able to load the pom.xml and
create a special project type for it. it's a conversion of th emevenide for
netbeans (that works for maven1) It's not even alpha yet though..

there is also a maven2 netbeans plugin at
I think it's more feature rich than the Wilfred's plugin. It was not
released yet AFAIK.


Milos Kleint

On 11/18/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A coworker is using NetBeans (5.0 beta 2) and I'm attempting to help
> him get it to cooperate with Maven.
> So far we've settled on using Wilfred Springer's plugin, which we did
> manage to retrieve by following the instructions here:
> http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/wilfred?entry=maven_2_netbeans_plugin_installation1
> The instructions involve using his repository as a mirror to get the
> plugin, then switching back to the central repo afterwards. Surely
> there's a better way!
> I've added:
> <repositories>
> <repository>
> <id>agilejava</id>
> <name>Agilejava</name>
> <url>http://agilejava.com/maven</url>
> </repository>
> </repositories>
> to the top-level pom.xml, but m2 doesn't retrieve the plugin when I
> type 'mvn netbeans:netbeans'. Then I found and read the Plugin
> Registry guide [0] but I'm not sure if that's what I need...
> How do I configure the Agilejava repository so m2 will retrieve plugins
> from it?
> Are there other Maven 2 + NetBeans options that we should take a look at?
> Thanks in advance!
> [0]
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-plugin-registry.html
> --
> Wendy
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