Or, as I have just discovered, (thanks brett), if your report implements isExternalReport() by returning true then you need not use the sink at all, but can generate the whole page / pages you want directly.

You are right tho - the page will be named getOutputName() + ".html"

Kind regards,
Dave Sag


"Olivier Lamy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 21-11-2005 13:29:42:

> Hi,
> I have a question concerning doxia Sink in report Mojo.
> Is there any mandatory content in Sink ?
> Actually I try the very simple :
> Sink sink = getSink();
> sink.head();
> sink.text("Test Report");
> sink.head_();
> sink.body();
> sink.text("test");
> sink.body_();
> sink.flush();
> sink.close();  
> As I understand the html page will be getOutputName() . html ?
> Or I have probably forgot content in the sink.
> My pom has dependency :
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>doxia</groupId>
>       <artifactId>doxia-sink-api</artifactId>
>       <version>1.0-alpha-4</version>
>     </dependency>
> Thanks for help,
> - Olivier
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