
There are in fact tools in Maven 2 as templates to building applications. Please refer to Archetypes (http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-creating-archetypes.html). Current archetypes are:

- j2ee
- mojo
- portlet
- profiles
- quickstart
- site
- webapp

You could write an archetype if you often use an existing application as a template.


Arnaud Bailly wrote:

Paul Rule wrote:

I often write stand alone apps, and I've often thought
it would be good to have a plugin to bundle up a build
complete with all the dependent jars, scripts, config
files etc - and to even generate the run.bat & run.sh
Is there anything like this currently (I talking
maven2) - if I wrote it would anyone else find it

If it does not exist, it should :-) I would happily support the idea - and the development. What about adding the possibility of wrapping a full webapp complete with a standalone container (eg. Jelly) as an autonomous application. I think there exists tools that do something related but nothing in maven.


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