1 you can use maven-asssembly-plugin to unpack all your dependency jars and
repackage them into one big jar files.

2. your can cookup a plugin which depends on those jars  which you are going
to place on a internal remote repository
   this way you can run your app any where you like.  Just need a  pom file
which has your remote repo info .


On 11/22/05, Duane Homick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Im having trouble understanding how to package an application we have and
> am looking for some guidance on how to do this.
> The application is essentially a JMS test client that has some third party
> dependencies.  These dependencies are defined in the pom.xml and available
> in the local repository.  I am able to get this client to build a .jar
> artifact, but this artifact does not contain any of the dependencies in it
> (I dont think it should).  I want to be able to run this application from
> another machine, but if I were to copy this jar to that machine and try to
> run it, it would fail for the obvious reasons that its dependencies do not
> exist on that machine.  So, is there a way to assemble a package containing
> my jar file and all the dependency jars (preferably in a /lib directory) so
> that I can run my application on the other machine without needing to
> configure classpaths, etc...?
> Thanks
> Duane Homick
> Sandvine Inc.
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