Jason van Zyl wrote:

> BURGHARD Éric wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've just commited a set of tools [1] for maven (plugin, extensions and
>> archetype) that can ease a migration from ant to maven (thanks to groovy
>> ant extension) or just help you to write new plugins directly in groovy.
> Cool, that's awesome!
> Maybe we can work to get some of this code in the repositories.
> As for the plexus stuff we can set you up an account at Codehaus (if you
> don't already have one) and I can definitely push your archetypes into
> Maven's SVN.

That's great. I will be very proud to have a codehaus account :-). I think
it's really better to have that stuff on codehaus svn coz my bandwidth is
dying here.

I must admit that i have 'stollen' the codehaus namespace (org.codehaus) and
sometimes even the maven's one for the extensions, so that stuff should
already fits your repository.

To make things really clean, i think that maven-plugin-tools-javalike must
disappear in favor of a simple maven-plugin-tools-java patch.

For the maven-archetype-groovymojo i've just commited a simpler version,
it's functionnal but not really tested (even if it's quite simple). Just
look at the other thread.

I should definitively take some time for irc. 


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