
Archetypes are templates for projects that are often used. Standard Maven 2 directory structure; common files and folders; and some resources will be created for you. An example is the maven-archetype-webapp which can be used to create a "skeleton" project for a web application. It will create your starting pom, the WEB-INF folder, a deployment descriptor and some sample JSPs which you could edit later. Here's a full description of archetypes for your reference: http://maven.apache.org/guides/introduction/introduction-to-archetypes.html

By the way, it would be nice if you changed the subject of the email you replied to because your question was not related. :-) Hope this helps.


Oles wrote:

Why archetypes is needed at all? What can I do with ones  :-\
"Creating an archetype is a pretty straight forward process. An archetype is a very simple plugin, that contains the project prototype you wish to create. An archetype is made up of:....."

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