Ok, I have managed to come up with a workaround like so:

<warSourceDirectory>${project.build.directory}/generated/ src/main/resources</warSourceDirectory>

In other words I've told it to copy everything from under generated resources - that just happens to be the
xdoclet generated WEB-INF dir.

Hardcoding not ideal but no blocker - I'm happy.

- Ashley

On 26 Nov 2005, at 11:10, Ashley Williams wrote:


Before I file a jira issue is there some way of configuring the war plugin so that it essentially does the bare minimum of jaring up my classes directory and using a .war extension? Currently I don't need any of the bells and whistles such as autogenerating the web.xml file as I use xdoclet to do this sort of stuff for me.

Currently I have to configure war like this as a result of the last discussion I had, which involves a hardcoded value that is subject to change in order to fool it into copying over a web.xml file that I have already generated with xdoclet:

<webXml>${project.build.directory}/generated/src/main/ resources/WEB-INF/web.xml</webXml>

Additionally I can't figure out
how to make it copy over everything else under WEB-INF such as the jboss web dd so it's actually a blocker. And even if I eventually figure it out, I would say that the config options aren't very suitable for working with xdoclet.

- Ashley

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