
The Jetty project has it's own Maven2 plugin. However, there doesn't
seem to be a central page on the Maven site listing all of the known
plugins. For that reason alone, I was considering having to move the
Jetty plugin across to codehaus, even though it's natural "home"
is within the Jetty project.
Are there plans to create a central listing of plugins at the Maven site
to which people could post submissions? I think it would be very useful.


Brett Porter wrote:
In 12/1/05, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, Ashley,

> Since you are the jaxme guy, I know you're plugin will be way better
> than the one in the sandbox - but where do you plan on housing it?

if JaxMe is going to switch to Maven 2 soon (which I really hope it
will), then the plugin *must* be a part of JaxMe: The plugin itself
obviously depends on the JaxMe core. And the JaxMe integration tests
will obviously require the plugin. I see no other possibility to avoid
cross dependencies.

I agree - the ideal situation is for projects to create and own their
own plugins if they can, because they obviously know the technology
best :)

Of course, Ashley could still continue to contribute to the plugin
there, I hope.


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