
Instead of maven-repository.xml I mean maven-metadata.xml.

BTW, can somebody tell me which files are needed in the repository ? From http://docs.codehaus.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=22230 I get the impression that <artifact>-SNAPSHOT.release.txt plays a role, altough this file is not used anywhere in the maven code.

Martin van der Plas wrote:


My project depends on artifacts delivered by a 3rd party supplier.
The supplier delivers major releases and bug fix releases on these deliveres once a while.
Major releases have a name, minor releases are datestamped.

I want to import the 3rd party artifact as snapshots per major release in our company maven repository. It seems that the maven-install-plugin command install:installfile cannot handle this usecase. I now add the 3rd party artifacts manually, editting the maven-repository.xml files where needed.
My questions are:

  1. Is it possible to add the 3rd party snapshot requirement to
2. Why is buildNumber so important in the snapshot section of maven-repository.xml when timestamp is also available. When
     buildNumber is not specified, mvn refused to download the artifact
     from the central repository.



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