I'd like to specify only one "master" list of dependencies for several targets in my build.xml. I'm creating a webapp, so there's a place for "compile", "test", "runtime" and "provided" scopes.

The problem I seem to face is that I have to specify "useScope" on a per-dependency list basis. So, there's no way for my compile task to reference the master dependency list for useScope="compile", and for my file copy tasks to reference the *same* master dependency list for useScope="runtime", and for my test tasks to do the same for useScope="test".

However, I could be misunderstanding it all. In any case, I don't want to specify multiple lists, because that ends up increasing he maintenance workload and the possibility of introducing errors. I mean, I suppose I could do it, but I'd like to find a way so that each list has mutually-exclusive dependencies in it. (Hmmm...maybe I should just try it).

Part of the problem is how to avoid including all the transitive dependencies' out-of-scope items?

Is there any way for me to say:

        <artifact:dependencies       pathId="list1">
                <remoteRepository refid="km.repository"/>
                <remoteRepository refid="main.repository"/>
<dependency groupId="javax.activation" artifactId="activation" version="1.0.2" scope="runtime"/> <dependency groupId="commons-beanutils" artifactId="commons- beanutils-core" version="1.7.0" scope="compile"/>

        <artifact:dependencies pathId="list2">
                <include stuff in list 1/>
                <include stuff in list 1 for useScope="foo"/>



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