Here's what I finally settled on for my pom with Spring and Hibernate.


I'm still using the springframework group id until the poms start telling me otherwise ;)

The biggest problem that I had came from not all the spring-* jars having everything in them that the all inclusive spring.jar package has.

Hope that helps.


cameron clarke wrote:
don't shoot I'm new to Maven ;-)

spring-mock is specified in spring-parent-1.2.5.pom but spring-mock.jar does
not get pulled down from  Is there a reason
why this jar/pom is missing?  I have written some tests that utilise
are failing in the M2 world as NoClassDef can be found.

I installed it local via :
mvn install:install-file
-DgroupId=org.springframework-DartifactId=spring-mock -Dversion=
1.2.5 -Dfile=C:/spring-mock.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true

I checked the repository file system to see that it now exists but the test
still fails with the same error.  I noticed the pom file was not created
though ! instead a maven-metadata-local.xml was created.   So I manually
created spring-mock-1.2.5.pom as follows:

  <name>Spring Mock</name>

(I didn't worked out the dependencies ..yet)

but still my tests fail ..... :-(      ANY HELP GREATLY APPRECIATED


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