
I am running a maven2 project and I am making use of the eclipse:eclipse goal to
set up my eclipse eenvironment nicely for development.

I have a small problem, I hope somebody can help me with it.

A "Project >> Clean" action in Eclipse clears out the target/classes directory
and recreates all of the class files.

In my case this causes difficulties because I am compiling a ".dll" to this
directory during the build so that I can find it on the classpath at runtime
(for JNI).  Whenever I do a Project >> Clean, the dll gets wiped out and I have
to run the build again.  This is frustrating because I always have to do Refresh
and a Project >> Clean in eclipse after every build.

The only workaround I can think of is to compile the ".dll" to one of the src
folders in the project and let eclipse copy it across for me when I choose to
do a Project >> Clean in eclipse.

This isn't ideal because it is actually a generated file and not a source file.

Any idea's?

Ideally, the eclipse plugin would allow you to add specific classpath entries to
your .classpath file.

e.g. I would add target/generated-sources/lib

Is this already possible?



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