

I'm currently writing a plugin to replace the WsCompile ant task that
comes with the JWSDP.  


To do this i hunted down the class that gets called when you run
wscompile from the command line, and make 

an array of String objects and pass them into the main() method. 


Everything was going great until it complains about not finding classes
on the classpath.  The WsCompile class takes a

parameter for classpath, so i had to pass it in manually.  I did that by
concatenating the relevant artifacts from the

project.getArtifacts() map and adding the result as an argument. 


The problem is that I also need to pass in the artifacts that are the
dependencies of the *plugin*, as described in the plugin's pom.xml. 


I cannot seem to find any reference to these artifacts anywhere.  Is
there any possible way for me to get these at 

runtime? There doesn't seem to be anything in the project object that
points to them.  Perhaps another object that I 

can bind to a property of the Mojo?  I also cannot find any javadocs so
i've been working alot with trial and error and reflection logging. 


Thanks for any help. 


_kris h

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