I just got the jdepend plugin working from the head of cvs with a simple mvn install. Works like a charm. Problem is, that this plugin is not released in central at all, in any version. Could somebody please see to that, and push it out?

<x-tad-smaller>Met vriendelijke groeten,

Jan Dockx
PeopleWare NV - Head Office</x-tad-smaller>
Cdt.Weynsstraat 85
B-2660 Hoboken
Tel: +32 3 448.33.38
Fax: +32 3 448.32.66 </x-tad-smaller>
PeopleWare NV - Branch Office Geel</x-tad-smaller>
Kleinhoefstraat 5
B-2440 Geel
Tel: +32 14 57.00.90
Fax: +32 14 58.13.25</x-tad-smaller>

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