Thanks to everyone for your feedback. This is giving a good general
idea of where Maven needs to improve. It has also highlighted my point
- what people consider production ready varies wildly - from needing
certain reports working to just needing jars but built in a specific
way, to needing better webstart support.

Please, for the specifics included here, pu them in JIRA if they
aren't already. They are likely to be lost in this thread.

Som specific things I wanted to pick up on from Daniel's email:

On 12/22/05, Daniel Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1) If your project is heavily JDK 1.5 based, Maven 2 is not production
> ready.

This is definitely an area for improvement. Thanks. Please be aware in
some instances we are limited by the tools we use though - for example
I believe Checkstyle 4.0 was only just released with JDK 5 support,
and I think we already have that integrated into the SVN version of
the plugin.

> 4) Documentation - the online documentation sucks.  The plugin config
> stuff is all out of date.    I thought maven was supposed to make
> releasing that stuff easier and quicker via the site targets, but the
> maven people cannot seem to do it.  (Example: the online docs still don't
> mention the fork stuff in surefire)

I think "sucks" is a bit unfair :) It is still too basic, most likely.
We've talked about this a lot before and gone to great lengths to
improve it, but there is still a long road ahead. It seems to be
something open source projects are not good at, and we'd really like
to be better. Its not really a function of the tools you use, but the
ability to write someone helpful and commit the appropriate amount of
time to it.

With the exception of surefire where the site publish step seems to
have been missed, the docs for plugins should be up to date (although
still lacking in areas).

I do want to thank those that have stepped up to help in this area
recently, and we will always welcome contributions of additions or
comments on how to improve it. One area everyone can help is by
answering list traffic. This is tending to take up a lot of time
recently and while we are building up some FAQs from it, it does take
away time from other things (and this becomes a self fulfilling

> 5) Continuous builds - lack of support in cruisecontrol is a major
> blocker.   Continuum is nowhere close to cruisecontrol yet, but it's
> getting better.  (and continuum's docs are even worse than maven's)

I believe some people have it working in cruisecontrol. We should
spend some time evangelising other tools to integrate m2, though there
is a limit to which we can do that.

> 6) Lack of other plugins like Emma for coverage metrics.  (clover is
> commercial)

The cobertura plugin has become functional in recent weeks and does a
good job of this.

Thanks for the comments.


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