Thanks, the system dependency worked a treat. I'm surprised that the
plugin needs it though...



-----Original Message-----
From: Scokart Gilles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 December 2005 12:24
To: Maven Users List
Subject: RE: [m2] Antrun / Javac

Here is an example of doing wath you want, I think.

antfile="src/test/ant/build.xml" inheritRefs="true"/>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Giles, Nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 December 2005 11:51
> To:
> Subject: [m2] Antrun / Javac
> I'm having distinct problems with the Antrun plugin for Maven2, 
> specifically with the inheritance of properties and environment 
> variables. With a simple test where the pom.xml calls a build.xml, 
> which then uses javac, Ant complains about not being able to find 
> on the classpath. This isn't the usual Ant 
> problem that gives that message, because Ant will run fine from the 
> command line, it's an inheritance from Maven problem. With the files 
> described below, I get a negligible classpath in the Maven part of the

> operation, and a null classpath in the Ant part. If I run the 
> buildfile from the commandline, I get a full and proper classpath, and

> execution works.
> Does anyone have any idea how I can get this to work, and why it does 
> work in one of my projects, but I'm scared to change it to try and 
> find out why, because I'll never get it back to working again...
> Cheers,
> Nick
> ====
> Pom.xml:
> <project xmlns="";
> xmlns:xsi="";
>   xsi:schemaLocation="
>   <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>   <groupId>workbench</groupId>
>   <artifactId>workbench</artifactId>
>   <packaging>jar</packaging>
>   <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version>
>   <build>
>     <sourceDirectory>.</sourceDirectory>
>     <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>       <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
>       <executions>
>           <execution>
>             <phase>generate-sources</phase>
>             <configuration>
>               <tasks>
>               <echo message="Classpath in Antrun task = 
> ${java.class.path}"/>
>               <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="." inheritAll="true" >
>                 </ant>
>               </tasks>
>             </configuration>
>             <goals>
>               <goal>run</goal>
>             </goals>
>           </execution>
>         </executions>
>       </plugin>
>     </plugins>
>   </build>
> </project>
> ======
> Build.xml:
> <project name="Workbench" default="run" basedir=".">
>   <target name="run" depends="clean,compile">
>     <java classname="Workbench" />
>   </target>
>   <target name="compile">
>     <echo message="Classpath in Ant: ${java.class.path}" />
>     <javac srcdir="." />
>   </target>
>   <target name="clean">
>     <delete>
>       <fileset dir=".">
>         <include name="*.class" />
>       </fileset>
>     </delete>
>   </target>
> </project>
> =====
> public class Workbench {
>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>       System.out.println("Hello");
>     }
> }
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