Trying to build a WAR file from a non-standard directory structure.
     - src
     - Web Content
            - images
            - javascript
            - theme
            - WEB-INF
                      - lib
                      - web.xml

Here is the relevent portion of my pom.xml file 

        <outputDirectory>Web Content/WEB-INF/classes</outputDirectory>

When I run "mvn package" I get this error:
             Embedded error: Deployment descriptor: 
C:\myWorkspace\projectA\target\projectA\WEB-INF\web.xml does not exist.
and the directory structure that is built looks like this:

 - target  (at the same level as the src directory above)
       - projectA
               - WEB-INF
                       - classes
                              - com
                                     - foo
                                            - bar
                                                   - foo_bar.class
                        - lib
                              - jar1.jar
                              - jar2.jar

How do I get everything under the "Web Content" directory ( the 
javascript, theme, images and the WEB-XML directories) to be placed under 
the "target/projectA" directory?

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