Thanks Eric,

On 01/01/06, Eric Redmond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How about: groupId:artifactId:version?

Since it's what's used by maven when reporting errors, that sounds
reasonsable and understable my any maven user.



> On 12/31/05, Grégory Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi list,
> >
> > This might sound like a silly question, and very superficial - I will
> > concede that ;) - but I was wondering if there was a prefered or
> > suggested way to communicate dependencies. By "communicating
> > dependencies", I mean, for instance, when writing a blog post or any
> > kind of documentation, it happens that I need to tell the reader
> > something like "should you want to use this in your project, you could
> > add a dependency like..." and then I'm faced with the dilemma of being
> > copy/paste friendly and giving the 6 lines of xml to the maven-style
> > dependency or not.. because it clutters the flow of text quite a bit,
> > might not interest everybody and other more-or-less valid reasons not
> > do so. OTOH, saying "add a dependency to foo/bar" might also leave
> > readers perplex as to what this means at all.
> >
> > So if anybody has a add a smart idea regarding this, to quickly and
> > efficiently communicate maven-style dependencies in a readable,
> > compact and precise way, I'd be glad to hear !
> >
> > Happy new year ! :)
> >
> > g
> >
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