Thanks Jason,

Proximity was in the queue. I'll see if I can install it sucessfully.

Greetings, Pablo.

Jason Dillon wrote:

>I just got Proximity setup yesterday and so far I'm happy with it. Works for 
>m1 and m2... And is much easier to style IMO. 
>Sorry no URL... But google for "proximity maven" and you'll find it. 
>For the record I've never heard of maven-proxy.rb so I can't say how they 
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pablo Muñiz García
>To: Maven Users List
>Sent: Tue Jan 10 11:58:06 2006
>Subject: Experience with maven-proxy.rb
>Hi all!
>    Lately I've been trying to find an alternative to codehaus
>maven-proxy that work with maven 2. After some "Googling" maven-proxy.rb
>(an script wirtten in Ruby) appeared. I've followed instructions
>detailed in the script, but I haven't been able to get it work under Apache.
>Anyone has experience on working with this project? Any success story?
>Maybe an alternative?
>Thanks in advance!!
>Greetings, Pablo.
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