Hi Matt,

Could you provide your 3 POMs ?

2006/1/12, Matt Gauger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I'm using Maven 2.0.1
> I have a top-level pom.xml (<packaging>pom</packaging>) which builds 2
> modules.  Module A has only external dependencies.  Module B has
> external dependencies, but is also dependent on Module A.  Module B uses
> a class from Module A in java source compilation, as well as in a unit
> test.
> Running "mvn test" from the top level results in success.
> Running "mvn package" from the top level results in a
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError during the unit test of Module B.
> Using the -e and -X flags, I can see that during the "mvn -e -X test"
> run, the Test Classpath for Module B contains: moduleA/target/classes,
> and this is the case where no error occurs.
> For the "mvn -e -X package" run, the Test Classpath for Module B
> contains: moduleA/target/moduleA-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, and the class in
> question is in there with the correct path.  This is the point where my
> head begins to spin.
> Has anyone else seen this problem?  Or better yet, have a suggested
> solution.
> Here is a little additional information...
> If I just do an "mvn install" on Module A, I get moduleA-1.0-
> SNAPSHOT.jar in my local repo with no problem.  Then when I try to do a
> "mvn test" only on Module B, I get the same NoClassDefFoundError.  This
> time the moduleA-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is put on the Test Classpath from my
> local repo.  So "mvn test" works fine when building both modules
> together via the parent pom, but not Module B by itself.  The similarity
> seems to be when the moduleA-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar is used (either from my
> local repo, or from it's target directory), that's when I get the
> NoClassDefFoundError.  Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
> -Matt

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