Hi Jason,

the slowness is due "primitive" artifact search algorithm. As it is noted in config docs (if i may it call so :) ), the proximity searches the repositories in the order as you configured it.

If Proximity searches a locally unexistent artifact that for example resides in tha last configurd repo, it will issue a HTTP request to the first repo, will receive 404 and to the second.. and so on... until it comes to last and actually download it and handle to your instance of Maven. This is a simple list iteration (single threaded) execution, my intend is to change this behaviour later.

Could you describe your second problem more precise?

Thanx in advance

Jason Dillon wrote:

FYI, I have been testing out Proximity today... And I noticed that it can get quite slow with many repositories listed. I also ran into some strange missing dependencies... That would go away and come back every other build or so. Might be better to let Maven 2 handle aggregation... Dunno.

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