
I am using m1 since 2004 on my projects : our "remote repository" (m1)
is on a network drive (z:/maven/repository). We manage a pool of
business libraries and we want to control the dependencies.

I have downloaded the m2.0.2 and I want to do the same thing (use only
our local "central repository" (m2) without any internet connection),
but it does not work.
I'm trying several configurations with the
document(settings.xml)/settings/profiles/profile/repositories and the
document(pom.xml)/project/repositories tags, but without success !

For example, the following sample, extracted from my settings.xml: 

         <name>Local repository</name>

Generates the following error:
[INFO] Repository 'central' will be blacklisted
Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: repo1.maven.org

What is the good configuration???



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