
I think that all of the  plugin dependencies (for any plugin,
including antrun) should be in your local repository.

See: http://maven.apache.org/using/repositories.html


On 1/24/06, Lee Meador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, where are the ant jars kept for the Maven antrun plugin?
> Excuse the repost but I got no response for 6 days. Perhaps nobody knows a
> thing about the problem but I did want the one question at the bottom
> answered if possible.
> Thanks
> -- Lee
> On 1/18/06, Lee Meador <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Is there some reason I can't use the <attrib> task in ant when invoked
> > from within Maven2?
> >
> > Here is my POM.xml
> >
> >     <build>
> >         <plugins>
> >             <plugin>
> >                 <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
> >                 <executions>
> >                     <execution>
> >                         <phase>generate-sources</phase>
> >                         <configuration>
> >                             <tasks>
> >                                 <ant antfile="build.xml" dir="."
> > target="wasWsdl2Java" inheritRefs="true" />
> >                             </tasks>
> >                             <sourceRoot>${ project.build.directory
> > }/generated-sources/java</sourceRoot>
> >                         </configuration>
> >                         <goals>
> >                             <goal>run</goal>
> >                         </goals>
> >                     </execution>
> >                 </executions>
> >             </plugin>
> >         </plugins>
> >     </build>
> >
> > The line in build.xml is:
> >
> > <attrib readonly="true">
> >           <fileset dir="${was.generated.src.dir}/com/me/program1"
> > includes="**/*.java"/>
> > </attrib>
> >
> > I'm just trying to set the java files to readonly since they just got
> > generated by webspheres wsdl2java ant task. I don't want to be ... er ...
> > anybody to be ... modifying them by mistake.
> >
> > The error says
> >
> > [INFO]
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > [INFO]
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > [INFO] Error executing ant tasks
> >
> > Embedded error: The following error occurred while executing this line:
> > C:\java\eclipse31MavenWorkspace\31WebService\build.xml:110: Could not
> > create task or type of type: attrib.
> >
> > Ant could not find the task or a class this task relies upon.
> >
> > This is common and has a number of causes; the usual
> > solutions are to read the manual pages then download and
> > install needed JAR files, or fix the build file:
> >  - You have misspelt 'attrib'.
> >    Fix: check your spelling.
> >  - The task needs an external JAR file to execute
> > <snip>
> >
> > and so forth.
> >
> > If the answer isn't obvious I will need to track it down but I don't know
> > where the ant is coming from that maven 2 uses.
> >
> > Where is ant coming from?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > -- Lee Meador
> > Sent from gmail. My real email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> --
> -- Lee Meador
> Sent from gmail. My real email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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