I just realized that some nut checked in the target directory, I fixed it and it works now.
Sorry for the unnecessary noise!

You must add your target directory in svn ignore list with this command:
svn propset svn:ignore target



Michael Böckling a écrit :

Url used in report should be configured in configuration screen (Base URL).

Guess I was thinking a bit to complicated with the base-url... *g*

But here's already the next problem: sometimes, I get this message when forcing a build:

Provider message: The svn command failed.
Command output: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
svn: Working copy 'target' not locked

The only thing that helps then is deleting the output directory or every subsequnt build will fail, even though my goal says "clean deploy". What could be wrong?


Giniality AG - Michael Böckling; Steinenberg 21, CH-4051 Basel
P: +41 61 226 99 63 - F: +41 61 226 99 69
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; http://www.giniality.com/

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