
I am trying to migrate to Maven 2.0. So far, I've been doing fine with
everything that is Java build-cycle related.

However, I can't get XML entites to be resolved when building the site
using xdoc, which means I can't include files. This feature is quite
mandatory for many projects so I am assuming there is a new way of doing
that in Maven 2.0. Could anyone tell me how? Here is the typical use
case in my projects:

<!DOCTYPE whatever [
<!ENTITY mytest SYSTEM "relative/path/to/MyTest.java">

<section name="Sample code">

Which gives me a nice error message:

  Caused by: org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException:
  could not resolve entity named 'mytest' (position: START_TAG seen
  ...<section name="Sample code">\n\n      <source>&mytest;... @45:23)

I am not really used to XML entities and I only know this trick to
import files into some xdoc source file so there has to be a workaround

Next, I have some trouble when using accents. The xdoc source file is
effectively set to "ISO-8859-1", and I did not change the outputEncoding
setting in the site plugin configuration (which defaults to ISO 8859-1).
Then the resulting page contains weird characters (often 2 characters in
the output for each single accent character in the xdoc file). I would
be glad if someone could tell me how to use accents with Maven 2.0
(needless to say it was working fine with Maven 1.0).

BTW, I really enjoy using Maven 2.0. Developing plugins is so much
easier now.


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