My "master" POM has no source, per se, so there is not xref for the master
project. My children are in sibling folders from the parent.

The master POM references the children POMs with the <module/> tags. In my
POM it has locations like "../child1"

The children POMs reference the master with the <parent/> tags. In my POM
the locations are like "../parent"

"mvn site" should be issued in the folder for the master POM.

You can have deploy locations defined in the parent and in the children but
if you only put one in the parent, the children will be in folders right
under it. (But you didn't ask about mvn site:deploy.)

You might want to share some of the relevant POM sections with us.


On 2/6/06, javed mandary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ,
>      am currently using Maven 2.0.2 to generate a site out of the main POM
> of my multiple-project . There are many sub poms which describe the
> sub-modules within my project .
> However when i generate site , the report for Source Xref says:
> ------------------------------------------
> Project sources
> No project sources were found.
> Test sources
> No test sources were found.
> ---------------------------------------
> Is there a place where the source directory needs to be defined in the
> main
> master POM ?
> Also when i try to open the index.html file in the main target directory
> at
> the top of the project structure and try to click on JavaDoc , the page is
> missing , it seems that it cant find the source directories within the sub
> modules.
> Anyone has an example of how to handle multiple-project dependencies and
> have the site generated properly?
> kind regards,
>             Javed

-- Lee Meador
Sent from gmail. My real email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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