The svn version 1.1 of dependency-maven-plugin can download all these
types of jars based on the dependencies in your project. 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2006 12:19 PM
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Downloading source/javadocs

I've created a project (we'll call it ModuleA).    ModuleA has been 
released to a maven-proxy.    Thus, sources and javadocs have been
packaged, digested, and deployed.    Now, another developer wants to use

ModuleA as a compile time dependency on his project -
guessed it...ModuleB.

While he can build from command line perfectly well using a straight 
dependency, his application is working quite like he'd like it to.
he does a mvn idea:idea and opens the project in IntelliJ for some 
debugging.    As he's debugging, he feels a desire to view the javadocs 
and perhaps even step into my code. 

What's the protocol for gaining access to the javadocs/sources of a 
released product?    Yeah, I can download them manually, put them 
somewhere, and point my intellij project to them.    Is there an 
intelligent alternative?

Let's slice this into two problems:
1)    Maven pulling sources/javadocs for ModuleA into my local
2)    Getting idea:idea to incorporate those sources (if found) into the


Brian Yoffe

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