Define the <type> element in your dependency as sar or war.

- John

Brad O'Hearne wrote:

Using the maven sar plugin, and a wsr plugin I wrote, I can now build and deploy sar files and wsr files to my repository. However, I now wish to reference these files as dependencies in another project (specifically, an EAR project). I have these setup in the pom.xml as proper dependencies, but when I try to build the project, I get errors because maven is looking for these dependencies as jar files, (files with a jar extension, not a sar or wsr extension). Here's the error messages:

2/8/06 8:08:38 PM GMT-07:00: required artifacts missing:

for the artifact: com.brad.Brad-ear-1.0-SNAPSHOT.ear

How can I make maven see my sar and wsr files in the repository properly, not as files with a jar extension?



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