Yes, I'm aware of that, and I thought that maven would use this metadata to resolve the latest unique version. In conjunction with maven-proxy, however, this does not seem to work....

Hi Michael,

the "real" version name is stored in com/giniality/tam/tam-maven-parent/1.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml.


Am Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2006 17:23 schrieb Michael Böckling:
It's me again, but I have just a simple question this time:
does maven automatically resolve to the latest unique version of a
deployed artifact? Because if a project references a parent project that
has a SNAPSHOT version, and the SNAPSHOT version is unique (like
PSHOT/tam-maven-parent-1.0-20060201.122547-19.pom>), the build fails.
The whole thing worked when I tried a regular, non-snapshot version.

Thanks in advance,

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