Hi Suresh,

mvn install, installs/place the artifact in your local repository(your repo in your own machine), while mvn deploy deploys/place the artifact in a remote repository(repo to a remote machine).


Suresh Govindaraj wrote:

what is the difference between doing a mvn install and mvn deploy. Both help us 
download to local repositaries right?
Thanks Suresh

Allan Ramirez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Hi there,

You missed the "-Dversion". and one more thing change your groupID to groupId and artifactID to artifactId.

Hope this helps.


Rasconi Luca (u.e.) wrote:

Hi all,

im trying to deploy third party jars to my internal repository

so i use deploy plugin in this way:

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=classes12.jar -DgroupID=ojdbc
-DartifactID=classes12 -Dpackaging=jar -Durl=scp://host/path/to/repo


but mnv responds in this way:


[INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------------

[INFO] Missing group, artifact, version, or packaging information

I don't understand!!!!!



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Suresh Kumar Govindaraj
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